Come on, admit it! It’s something we’ve all done; spent an indulgent afternoon, snuggled up on the sofa on a rainy weekend, a steaming cuppa and a copy of Country Life magazine for company. A few hours poring over the property porn, our fingers gliding over the seductive images of rustic cottages with pink roses framing front doors and romanticising about living in a chocolate box cottage. Oh, the peacefulness of a country idyll!
But daydreaming aside, it’s only when you actually visit rural areas, stop and listen, that you realise the true loudness of the city and appreciate the true tranquillity and calm of the countryside.
City air is awash with the sounds of emergency services sirens, spluttering cars, delivery lorries, crying babies and the general background hum of chattering crowds – it’s a constant hubbub of noise.
In comparison, rural air is sharp, empty almost, apart from sweet birdsong, the rumble of a distant tractor perhaps and centuries old church bells. So, it’s no wonder that for many people the idea of a home in the countryside is a dream come true; perhaps a long-awaited goal or a reward for many years of hard work.
With the country life being the ideal, it’s unsurprising that so many yearn for the proximity of rolling fields, country pubs with roaring log fires and far-reaching views, because with this lifestyle comes not only an attractive landscape, but also less noise, less pollution, lower crime rates, a close-knit community feel and of course decreased stress levels.
So, we think, wouldn’t it be easier, better, calmer, if we were able to live a blissful quiet life in the middle of nowhere, because surely a rural existence is far better for our wellbeing.
Yes, it seems that is so. Your quality of life can be improved in numerous ways by embracing the countryside environment.
Compared to city living, rural properties tend to be more spacious and more likely to have their own outdoor areas, perfect for families with children.
Of course, it’s also easier for those living in the countryside to embrace walks in peaceful open spaces where you can think, unwind and get some quality fresh air.
Your country home is likely to become your refuge, allowing you a peaceful retreat from the hectic pace of modern life. Rural neighbourhoods are quieter and more picturesque, but they are also safer, making them ideal for older people and young families or anyone wanting to live a health-conscious life, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
If you’re searching for a beautiful country home, Bonners & Babingtons have many stunning properties available to view. Call us on 01844 354554 to see how we can help.